Beginners Section

  • Posts ( 32 )
  • Deca (Nandrolone Decanoate) First of all, Nandrolone in general doesn’t produce many estrogenic or androgenic side effects. This is because it has a very low rate of conversion to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme, approximately equal to 20% the rate of Testosterone. Deca, along with Equipoise, anavar, and primobolan will ALL raise skeletal muscle and substantially increase collagen synthesis and bone mass and density, leaving you with a significantly reduced chance of getting injured than if you choose to use anabolic steroids like sustanon,...


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  • EP Line Crystal Clear|Pro. Carrier Oils Clarification  Original EP Line always used only Professional/Legit Pharma Grade Carrier Oils "Inside". EP Line PG carrier Oils were SOLELY Created and Produced for "PG" AAS. Of course products like Deca and all Trens are an exception clearly - due to their "essence" used ... EP Line uses only Pharma Grade carrier oils (synthetic/hypoalergic/smooth/most efficiently dissolved-merged with the "essence" - professional oil used only in Original Pharm. Grade Products) - No UGL on the market uses such Pr...


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  • The Importance in using Quality Products.
    I know your reading and saying, great another plug, another supplier trying to convince me that their products are better. While there may be some truth to that, I as a writer pride myself on writing honest content. If a product I try, test, or mass spec, comes up with sub par results, I’m going to tell you about it! On to the juicy goodness. If you’re like me, through the years you have tried many different brands, Protocols, and even how you administer the product. Trial and error is how we learn, but while we are experimenting should we at...


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  • Road To Glory, A Guide for A Pre Contest Cycle.
     Depending on your Budget, a nice pre contest cycle will consist of various compounds, while slowly ramping down the test near the end, and increasing tren/mast combo alongside a nice hardening agent, like Halo or Winny, while dropping your water weight pre show. Use this layout as a guide; adjust where you see fit, and where permits budget. HGH and various peptides can also be used, Leave a comment below, and let me know your goals, and I will do my best to tailor any cycles to your current state, and budget. Phase One 8 weeks - Carb Cycle -...


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  • Is your Growth Hormone real?~a guide to find out
    I wanted to share with you guys/gals how to determine if your HGH is real. This is a semi-crude but inexpensive way to verify HGH. I have been on Uncle Z's blue tops for about a month now. I started at 3.3 iu HGH daily and then moved to 5iu HGH daily. I ordered blood work to confirm the HGH is genuine. My labs included testing the following;  Human Growth Hormone Acromegaly Screen (Basic)IGF-1TSHThyroxine (T4) Free, DirectGlucose, Serum The day of the test I fasted 12 hours before hand. 1.5 hours before the draw I administered a dose of HG...


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  • The perpetual cycle: Is traditional post-cycle therapy
    Part 1: The Dilemma We now live in a day and age where the knowledge of performance enhancing drugs is increasing rapidly. No longer are we restricted to basic and infrequently supplied information from a limited number of sources. Every facet of BB’ing is evolving quickly and nowhere is this more apparent than in the area of bodybuilding pharmacology. It is little wonder then that the traditional approach to PCT is no longer viewed as optimal? With recent advances in non-steroidal performance enhancers, our current approach to post-cycle the...


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  • Steroid User Injection Manual
    The Steroid User Injection Manual by: Mike Arnold Table of Contents I. Injection Types. II. Injection Methods. III. Injection Techniques....   IV. Aspiration: what is it and why is itimportant? V. Why are there so many kinds of syringes? VI. What kind of syringe should I use? Part #1: Standard syringe specifications. Part #2: Gauge numbers. Part #3: Needle length. Part #4: cc?s & ml?s. VII. Where do I Inject? VIII. How many cc?s can I inject into each muscleat one time? IX. Rotatinginjection sites. X. Sterilization. XI. Loading a s...


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  • Human Growth Hormone ~ a practical application
    Growth hormone (GH) Human growth hormone (GH) is a protein made in the pituitary gland. GH is not only responsible for growth. It also plays an important role throughout an adult’s life by helping to regulate metabolism—the body’s ability to turn food into energy. Many bodybuilders use GH once they have hit a wall in their development with steroid use alone. GH the next level?  GH is the next level for more experienced users of anabolics. If you want to take your body to the next level, GH may be the next step. GH has clearly been shown to incr...


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  • The Effects of Testosterone -Man's Best Friend
    The effects of Testosterone Almost weekly someone posts on the Chemical Enhancement forum asking about first cycle advice. The most common questions are; “what steroid should I take?” “How long should I take it?” and “What will the effects be?” There are literally dozens of steroids available and that makes it difficult for a first time user to choose. The following information will attempt to provide... enough information for a first time user to make an educated decision about anabolic androgenic steroid use. Testosterone is one of the mo...


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  • Primo Write Up
    Primobolan/Eurobolam Methenolone enanthate, or metenolone enanthate, is a DHT based AAS. It is an ester derived of metelone commonly sold under the names Primobolan (oral)Primobolan Depot (inj.). When it interacts it does not aromatise into estrogen. It is used by athletes who are very susceptible to estrogenic side effects, having even less...  estrogenic properties than deca. Methenolone, in form of enanthate and acetate, is available as an IM or as an oral . The injection is naturally regarded as having higher lasting levels. It is an enan...


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